Nothing can give results unless it is understood and accepted. Only when we understand issues and see the big picture of how things can be improved, that is when it is truly effective. This is the basis for Awareness campaigns, to help people understand how to improve their lives and live securely. These campaigns were regularly conducted in various highly sensitive areas where the local villagers would be living in close proximity to the forest where movement of wildlife was high.
Awareness campaigns were regularly conducted by Saving Tiger Society during programs when there would an occasion or a public celebration. During such a program, the audience would consist of the villagers, children and prominent members of the Panchayat. The inclusion of Awareness topics and it’s discussion created more of an impact to them as a community and how it affected them. The thoroughness, the detailed and in-depth information provided slowly brought about visible results. There was a positive outcome as the villagers realised and learnt how to live without conflict to the best of their ability.